Hello stranger!
Whoops, I almost forgot about this page.
My name is Anne and I am a designer & illustrator from Hamburg, Germany.
I love everything typography, pop culture, trivia and sports. #NotAll obviously, there are always exceptions to the rules
I am a dog person and I like my tea strong and with lots of sugar. Unfortunately plants are not my friends, so I decided to get a cactus instead. I like to sit back and enjoy a good book or watch a capturing movie or show. You may also find me in the kitchen working on a new cupcake recipe or a hearty meal.
My sentences end either with periods, ellipsis or emojis. I still haven’t figured out the windows short cut for ellipsis though, so I do it manually and it bugs me. WordPress has it … so yaay! I also have no idea where you put a period in regards to an emoji. Before? After? Not at all? I tend to go with the latter.
This blog is all about my profession and about as much of my hobbies as I can justify are part of my professions. Creatives need to stay inspired, right?
At least that’s how I justify my Netflix account.